The Braves went from Best in the NL at one position to “Just Guys at the spot.” The problem is it happened in 2013!
When your starting catcher is 29 years old and already a 7-time All Star? Yes, you’re as good as it gets in the National League. Since McCann left:
Gerald Laird
Bethancourt. Before he was traded. And then became a pitcher.
Ryan Lararnway
Anthony Recker
Chris Stewart
Renee Rivera
Carlos Perez
David Freitas
Alex Jackson
John Ryan Murphy
And, in a strange twist, the Braves still trying to replace McCann and turning in-part to McCann.
Just on its face: this is too many guys given an honest shot to take the job on a more or less full-time basis. That means no one really has, and we’re now entering Year 7 of this search. No bueno.